This month, for our Klingel Homes GIVE Project, we are partnering with the Muskegon Rescue Mission!
We decided to partner with them in their Double Match program. This means that our donation will double in the form of Meijer food gift cards which will be used to fill their pantries! Friday, March 31st and Friday, June 14th are the next Double Match Days!
Since 1907, emergency shelter, nutritious meals and life-changing services have been provided to men, women and children experiencing homelessness. Last year, Muskegon Rescue Mission provided over 160,000 meals through their community pantry and shelters. On average, MRM shelters nearly 90 individuals nightly.
Want to donate? Come to Meijer on Harvey Street this Friday, March 31st or Friday, June 14th and be part of Meijer’s Simply Give! Find a Simply Give card, give the cashier the amount you want to donate and Meijer will double it! For example, if you donate $10, Meijer will donate $20 and the mission will get a $30 food gift card to continue replenishing our pantries.
The Muskegon Rescue Mission helps to continue providing for the less fortunate and homeless people of West Michigan.
Check out their website, learn more about the amazing work that they do for our community, and consider donating to this wonderful ministry!

Biblical Class

Thrift Store

Women Shelter

Healthy Food Options
